who we are

HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK has been set up by the RCGP Secure Environments Group, RCN Nursing in Justice and Forensics Healthcare Forum, and RCPsych Quality Network for Prison Mental Health Services.

The three Royal Colleges have joined together to facilitate inter-professional learning and networking for clinical and non-clinical staff who work with people in contact with the criminal justice system in the UK. We welcome all practitioners who wish to pursue excellent health and care provision to reduce health inequalities and improve the lives of people in our care.

what we do

Educational Events

In 2023, the three Royal Colleges behind HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK co-hosted the annual Health and Justice Summit for the first time. The 10th round of this highly anticipated annual event, formerly run by the RCGP Secure Environments Group, took to the iconic Titanic Belfast and focussed on building bridges in health and justice.

HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK is excited to be hosting the 11th Health and Justice Summit in October 2024, bringing the celebration of the incredible work done by this sector back to London and the home of the Royal College of GPs.

Regional and Specialist Communities of Practice

HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK facilitates a network of regional and specialist Communities of Practice across the UK, ensuring all four nations of Great Britain are represented in our work.

Separate communities have been formed to support members working in different regions and with specific patient groups, recognising the distinct and diverse challenges that can present in different areas of the UK and when working with women, children and young people, in secure hospitals, and in immigration removal centres.

Communities of Practice meet throughout the year for bite-sized learning from experts, to share good practice and lessons from incidents, to offer connection and support for members, and to disseminate important information from other health and justice organisations.

Educational Resources

HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK have published a wealth of resources from the RCGP Secure Environments Group Spotlight project, which are FREE TO ACCESS here.

Other resources from this project can be found on the RCGP Learning Secure Environments Hub.

Further HEALTH AND JUSTICE UK resources including podcasts, presentations, and bite-sized topic summaries are available in a collated library (ADD LINK)

10th Health and Justice Summit, Belfast 2023